Christmas Eve: Receiving The Unexpected

Beloved family, we pray blessing and peace upon your Christmas celebrations. As we pause in remembrance of the Incarnation, we're each called to consider anew the implications of Jesus' arrival in our hearts and lives. May this unexpected gift disrupt us. May we be changed in ways that propel us forward in greater faithfulness, hope, and love, throughout the year that lies ahead. God bless you, Ecclesia. Merry Christmas.

Note: No audio this week. Our weekly sermon podcast will return next weekend on 12/31. 

Advent One: Allow Me To Reintroduce You To Jesus

As we look toward the Advent season, Pastor Chris Seay shares the stories of obedience lived by Mary, Joseph, and the Magi; risking greatly as they embraced God's calling upon their lives. In this "new year", in the season that lies ahead, we must ask ourselves if we are willing to meet Jesus anew and obediently proclaim as Mary did, "Here I am, God's humble servant." 

A Feast For Everyone

Pastor Chris Seay taught through Isaiah 25, and continued laying the groundwork for our ongoing response following this challenging time for so many; a plan for the next two years that will include serving the poorest in our city, the first-responders who worked tirelessly and selflessly through the storm, and our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico following the devastation of Maria. We're excited for the healing, the feasting and dancing, the rejoicing to come in this season ahead. 

The Holy City of Houston: A Theology of Place

Pastor Chris Seay examines what it looks like to be a Houstonian Christian during this season of hurricane recovery. Jerusalem is a holy city, but so is our city of Houston. God resides in Houston, Texas and loves the people of Houston. This week, we examine 5 lessons we can learn from the Astros World Series run. As we experienced last week, there are a lot of baseball metaphors. 

The Gospel According To C.S. Lewis: Shema Is The Fastball

Pastor Chris Seay began a conversation that will unfold over the next three weeks; our plan for the coming months as we continue to commit our time, energy, and resources to faithfully love and serve those most impacted by this hurricane season. This week was a reminder of our "job description" as a people in Christ; our commitment to love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. There are also a lot of baseball metaphors. 

The Table

Our guest teacher John Ortberg offered an impactful message on the importance of the table throughout scripture, and its vitality in creating and strengthening relationships and community. As a church family, and in our homes, how will we ensure that everyone has a place at the table, and no one is left out?