Exodus For All: I Can't Make You Love Me

Pastor Chris Seay continued our Lenten series in the story of the Exodus; sharing an important and heartfelt word on God's desire for intimacy with us. We've been raised to merely follow rules, when what God truly wants from us is relationship.


Revelation 3: 15-20

Exodus 20: 1-6

Exodus 33: 11

Exodus 12: 8-11

Reflection Questions

Chris suggested ways of accepting the "knock on the door". What specific practices will you enact to spend intentional time with the God who desires relationship? Through prayer walks, confession, and/or offering up the enjoyment of your various endeavors in gratitude, how do you plan to cultivate presence and awareness? 

Please commit to joining us in fervent prayer for our beloved sister and long-time member of our team, Elizabeth Cook, as she begins her fight against cancer. Set a reminder on your phone; whatever you need, to remember her and her family in prayer. 

Worship Set 

He Set Me Free

Jesus Paid It All


Psalm 34 (Taste & See)

This Is My Father's World

Send Out Your Light (Psalm 43)
