The Anointed Ones

Pastor Josh Hilburn opens the scripture in Acts to explore Jesus' "sending" of his followers; a people chosen and called to continue his ministry. The Resurrection means that we as the Church, the ecclesia, the "called out ones", are no longer spectators or guests, but instead hosts of the continuing celebration, performing signs and wonders in community, pointing toward Heaven, and orienting our whole lives toward participation with God's renewing work in our world.

Easter Sunday: Because He Lives

As we gathered in the heart of downtown Houston to celebrate Jesus’ glorious Resurrection, Pastor Chris taught through the disciples’ story in John 20. Because the tomb is empty, because we are witnesses to His glory, because He lives, we are invited into new life in Christ, led no longer by fear, but by faith. We thank you all for being a part of this great celebration!

Extravagant Love

We’re so grateful for our brother Bob Goff for joining us this weekend, offering a message of deep love and encouragement. A renewed embrace of a playful relationship with God, letting go of the harmful things we’ve held onto for too long, and extending love in extravagant ways to all people. We are unable to podcast the message from this week, but invite you to learn more about Bob and his work with Restore International HERE

Ash Wednesday

On Ash Wednesday, we gathered for a time of contemplation; preparing our hearts for the Lenten journey that awaits. We prayed in repentance, lifted voices in worship, and received ashes as a reminder not only of our mortality and brokenness, but also as a reminder of our identity as God's beloved children. Our hope is that each of us would be changed in these coming weeks; that in setting certain distractions, vices, and comforts aside, we might create space for God to transform us in ways that would continue far beyond our Resurrection celebration.

Here are pieces from our Ash Wednesday liturgy.