Pastor Sean Palmer leads us into an Advent season of great expectation as we anticipate Jesus’ coming and seek to worship fully, spend less, give more, and love all. Sean invites us to consider how we might spend less in this season, to ask ourselves what is “enough”, and to commit to rhythms of limitation and simplicity that allow us to share even more as a family with communities in great need from the abundance that God has provided.
Luke 14: 1-4
Mark 10: 17-27
Reflection & Practice
“The cure is to limit the right things in the right places;” suggested Sean in considering what faithful stewardship might mean for us in light of this call to Spend Less in this Advent season. What in your life needs to be intentionally limited; that you could more fully and joyfully participate with God’s movement in these weeks?
Think about the people on your “list”. Have you considered what spending less might look like in the context of your closest relationships; how you might give gifts that communicate your deep love and gratitude that may not be tied to a dollar amount?
Worship Set
Song Of Hope (Heaven Come Down)
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
Be Thou My Vision
Come And See
Trinity Song
O Day Of Peace