In Search Of What's Been Lost

Pastor Chris Seay continues our conversation from last week; sharing stories of hope from the migrant caravan in Mexico City, and looking ahead toward what we pray will be a deeply transformative season of Advent. As we seek to be a people who worship fully, spend less, give more, and love all; what might we rediscover as we give ourselves fully to the invitation of these sacred weeks of anticipation and longing?


John 13

Spiritual Practices

Begin praying about what God is asking of you in the season ahead. What intentional practices, or existing rhythms that you will choose to pause or alter, will help you to worship fully? In what ways will you plan to spend less, that you might give more meaningful gifts of your presence, talent, and true care? As we seek to love all as a family, we encourage you to join us as we seek to offer our best gifts to Jesus as we await His coming.

Worship Set (with Latifah Alattas)

Be Still My Soul

Oh, Dreamer

Establish The Work Of Your Hands

Your Labor Is Not In Vain

Wood And Nails

Nothing But The Blood
