Lost Enchantment: It's All Sacred

Pastor Chris Seay follows up on the beginning of the sermon series which will guide us through the fall; helping us to rediscover an enchanted faith within an increasingly disenchanted age. Chris suggests a few possible remedies to the lies that attempt to put boundaries around God’s presence — practices of imagination and meaning-making that could profoundly change the way we see the world and our place in it as followers of Jesus.

Wander: Walking With God

Wander: Walking With God

Episode 1: The Invitation To Attention
As the fall weather comes (at last!) to greet us, we invite you to take a walk, whether in your neighborhood or in nature, and cultivate attentiveness to God’s presence. All you need is a pair of headphones and comfortable footwear. Voices will guide you through scripture, music, and reflection as you take part in this spiritual practice. New episodes will be released every other week throughout our Lost Enchantment teaching series.

Depth in Practice

Pastor Mike Yager invites us into the curious story of Moses, Eldad, and Medad in Numbers 11. The flourishing of a community means that everyone is taking part. Today, we ask if we are engaged in the kind of spiritual disciplines that help us to go deeper in our own relationship with God so that we would grow in our capacity to contribute toward the flourishing of others.

Made to Flourish

Pastor Chris Seay guides us in revisiting the formation of the church in Acts 2. In a time of continued challenge and disruption, often gathering in new ways, it is all the more important that we are faithful in listening for ways to care for one another and to root ourselves in a environment where we can flourish. Church is not a place we go, but a people we are.

Reimagining Justice

Concluding our summer sermon series in collaboration with our friends at Good Shepherd NYC, Pastor Drew Jackson offers a powerful word from the Prophet Joel on the vitality of repentance — a changing of our minds — to imagine a world beyond injustice, and how we might “wake up” to our part in God’s movement of restoration for all people. Drew serves as Lead Pastor of Hope East Village in New York City.

Reimagining Power

Ericka Graham continues our summer sermon series with friends at Good Shepherd New York, in which we have been reimagining various dimensions of faith and community in light of the lessons learned from Covid and the opportunities and challenges of returning back to rhythms of physical gathering. We pray that these weeks have been a formative blessing. Ericka invites us to shift our assumptions of power over the other to the kind of power modeled by Jesus: a power that is with and for others, lain down in humble love, that others may be lifted up.

Reimagining Spiritual Disciplines

Pastor Sean Palmer continues our summer teaching series in collaboration with friends at Good Shepherd New York. Sean teaches from the “Christ Hymn” in Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi; inviting us to consider sung worship as just one example of the spiritual practices which are amplified as we participate in them communally. Following a year of such isolation, how will we recommit to the richness of the kinds of practices that are best engaged together?

Reimagining Togetherness

Continuing a summer series in collaboration with our friends at Good Shepherd New York, dear brother and guest preacher Pastor Michael Rudzena invites us to consider how the challenges of the past year have altered our relationship to togetherness and isolation. Jesus is forever our model for a rhythm of life shaped by solitude and prayer, genuine community, and love taking action. Join us as the series concludes over the next few weeks.

Reimagining Time

Our series in collaboration with Good Shepherd New York continues to explore important dimensions of our lives and communities as followers of Jesus in this season of re-establishing rhythms. Our dear brother Gideon Tsang invites us to consider how our experience of time has been changed by the pandemic, and how Jesus calls us to the kind of mindfulness which will help us be more fully alive in the passing moments.

The Life You're Made For

Drawing from the Book of Hebrews, Pastor Chris asks us each to seriously and faithfully consider how God is calling us to live into the fullness of who God has made us to be. No one has your unique combination of story and circumstance, talents, passions, and resources. How is God urging you to trust him in the next step; inviting you to move from belief to action?

Rest is a Gift

Pastor Sean Palmer offers an important reminder as we enter into this Summer season; that rest is not a luxury, but a vital rhythm that grows our awareness for how much God cares for us. Whatever the coming weeks may hold for you, how will you commit to receiving this gift which is woven into the very fabric of creation?

You Have To Give It Away

Pastor Sean Palmer offered an important word on the key difference between greater and lesser goods. The “lesser” good of material blessings is fleeting; but the “greater” goods of virtue and selflessness actually increase as they are given away. May Sean’s teaching lead you into meaningful contemplation in the days ahead.

The Voice of Justice

Pastor Chris Seay continues a series of teachings around crucial dimensions of faith and our call as followers of Jesus as we have returned to regular rhythms of gathering in person. Today, we look to the teaching of the Prophet Micah to help us reconnect with God’s call that we a people with hearts inclined toward justice; which begins with humbly opening our ears to hear the cries of the oppressed.