Three Qualities of a Hero
Donald Miller, friend, author, and director of Storyline and Story Brand shares a talk on three qualities of a hero.
Pentecost: Rhythms of the Spirit
I See My Brother
The Secret Beauty
Pursuit of Happiness
One by One
You've Got to Say Something
Resurrection Life, Week 1
Unlock the Doors
Easter: Don't Forget
True Liberation
Lenten Teaching, Week 4
Lightning, Thunder and Living Water
Pastor Chris Seay and his long time friend, Dieter Zander continue our series, The Story and shares his story on life after a major stroke. For more information on Dieter Zander and his story go to
Lenten Teaching, Week 2
Your Intimate Name
A Collision of Dreams
Lenten Teaching, Week 1
The Story: Our God of Many Names
Dan Allender, Director of the Allender Center continues our series on The Story.
For more information on Dan Allender and the Allender Center, visit them online at